Prestashop module v1.5.0 doesn't show both the Order Confirmation and the Payment Error screens
I write to you because the module, that I have installed on PS v1.6 platform, doesn't show the Order Confirmation message in the last page of the checkout.
When the customer is redirected on the website (after the payment with Satispay), the module shows him an empty page, that seems broken.
I've checked the module files (specially, the return.php) and these is what I've found:
When payment is closed successfully the redirect to order confirmation page happens, but as the module hasn't got neither the HOOK_ORDER_CONFIRMATION nor the HOOK_PAYMENT_RETURN, the page appears blank.
When an error payment occurs, instead, the module brings the customer to the Order History page, without any error message. This doesn't help the customer to understand the payment isn't close successfully.
Perhaps, it would be more correct if the order confirmation page tells the customer both when the payment is closed successfully, and when an error occurs.
Could you help me to solve this problem? Let me know.