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Prestashop addon - Marketplace vs Github

Hi, In the documentation page for Prestashop, there is [this marketplace addon](https://addons.prestashop.com/en/payment/22827-satispay.html) linked. However, I found [this github project](https://github.com/satispay/prestashop-plugin) that seems to refer to the same plugin, even the same version. What are the differences (if any) between the two?

Digest doesn't match error

Hi, i'm trying use satispay staging API, i followed the guides and i create this CURL curl --location '<https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/g_business/v1/payments'> --header 'content-type: application/json' --header 'host: staging.authservices.satispay.com' --header 'date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:53:39 GMT' --header 'digest: SHA-256=jWjmI6cdwHPUs3tNU1lXxaKxar4Kee+elPnr1dj2Pqg=' --header 'Authorization: Signature keyId="p3gko1cpv4ffl747u8er772jn4uk1qktr8o5k485fd09gff6ngoacp5eql6cd1fbfdn0kvkbli5maso7io5up8pevb3a12qhm4bn38mjgku254tglkt516rfn4kfj8rluc7l3f1ig2pj11u5kpc0mc1k2qp61llvg7q78ljn2q58k8e5m3ot96e3ftd9mllgghpljds8", algorithm="rsa-sha256", headers="(request-target) host date digest", signature="ixS7dKlEWigZ97LF3To6GbcQUgFWIFNSuSpwEcRqEVcK8ONDPPVv30wVblRgY4qbUmm0uyDm8FhTbtr9LU+EvgQaEN8uofu/LDwCLXIHdPSrk3fmNvAkn7BKjYGsVTJ1asqeT7TYCpptLYpfo0h8H3jDrnrN7I9sKSdST/yrwkdcO6As6ArT8uOMNLST/fhuC2zPBlsNQLEWm2wbbHBgT94Tf6UsRsngw+yV2YxYZ2ceYwal27sVi0S6qtsF5oVCjpe1ZGbkxnioQ1leIL3wJkvXEckfo/RAYgapFJuarleL8hlRd1JZdieVgAmIpy+N5hyI8g/KrKmPM9BJAYHqqHgj6GVQZo/nH1ErSw9rxUPuAEb54tS+V3TkXSic3snDCNNviQtqsZa49AbfJx4MLfN0pseWpFrPsclFb7nlGOVrLsnapd6bVMkHCjOUjaRH6ntof/MghkAq0sKmqE5x9txs/ntSitMY1pFwpNv/ojU42XjF2p+9OEgiMzoJLdV0ov+086Z/gQF7vrEU36dMGWkPQ+PYtHj515FGbvcv/c1UkaEJkPKNFdV+VRWWgh6iJIndIWXRK+PPufl6wnWhREnlQJmJIERlSoNEDUS7RIZ4YNT5Qavi7xkcp2B7yoUZOHGtHJ8c6AjpVY1HBszhCDakfWtdPc9PWcA8ak6WBoM="' --data '{ "flow": "MATCH_CODE", "amount_unit": 100, "currency": "EUR" }' but i have this error: { "code": 52, "message": "Digest doesn't match", "wlt": "CEPCNseA" } I checked the digest (<https://satispay-signature-test.glitch.me/digest>) and message (<https://satispay-signature-test.glitch.me/signature>) and all is correct. What's wrong?

Integrare satispay in webapp scritta in vue.js

Salve, come da oggetto volevo sapere gentilmente come integrare satispay in un app scritta in vue.js. Sperando in una risposta celere, grazie e buona giornata Aniello.

Redirect to NON-default browser on mobile

Hi Support Team, We have encountered an issue with Satispay payments on our website. After investigating, we discovered that the problem occurs when users are on a smartphone and use a non-default browser to make the purchase. For example, if Safari is the default browser but the user makes the purchase using Chrome, after completing the payment, Satispay redirects them back to the default browser (Safari). This redirection causes a problem because the default browser does not have the correct cookies to update the order status, resulting in the order appearing as incomplete. To illustrate, an order might be initiated from a browser with the user agent string: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 But after payment, the user is redirected to: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/112.0.5615.136 Mobile Safari/537.36 XiaoMi/MiuiBrowser/14.13.0-gn This change in browser environment means the cookies needed to update the order status are not present, causing the order to appear as incomplete. Additionally, the same issue occurs if the user starts the order in an incognito session. After payment, they are redirected to the normal version of the same browser. This again results in the cookies not being transferred, leading to the same problem with the order status. Could you please assist us in finding a solution to handle this redirection correctly and ensure that the order status updates appropriately regardless of the browser used? Thank you for your help. Best regards, Andrea

Overcapture of authorized funds

So I'm planning an integration with a funds preauthorization (using the flow "PRE_AUTHORIZED_FUND_LOCK"). For all other payment methods I support I have a way to increase the preauthorized funds if I need to (i.e. I preauthorized 10 euros, but after a while I may need to get more). Is there a way to do so using this flow I'm using or am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

Blocked when changed to production account

hello, I have a developed an application that create a payment order. When using staging host everything is working fine. The same application was working when I switched to satispay production host. However, after some tests, it is not working anymore in may deployed application and I'm able to call it only in my local environment.


We've integrated Satispay in our CRM in order to receive all transactions but there seems to be no way to receive payouts (bank transfers). We ended up simulating a connection to the dashboard by using Puppeteer in headless mode; it had been perfectly working for several months but suddenly a couple of days ago we were no longer able to login, probably due to some new malware/anti spam script implemented on your side. I think that receiving all transactions including payouts is a must have feature for any company; is there a way to accomplish this task?

Include custom headers into redirect_url

Hello, is there a way to let satispay invoking the redirect_url, exposed by my application, including a custom header inside the request? My application requires an api_key inside any received request. When satispay redirects to the endpoint that I’ve included in the body of g_business/v1/payments POST request, the api_key is missing. <br /> I’ve tried to include the custom header api_key inside the g_business/v1/payments POST payment request, but when hitting the redirect_url that is present in the satispay response payload, no custom header is present. Is there a way to include any custom header in the g_business/v1/payments that will be passed to the redirect GET request that will be performed by satispay on payment execution? Regards, Giulio

redirectUrl uuid not replaced within mobile web browser

Ii've created a payment request and when I perform the payment from my phone web browser, the uuid of the payment is not passed into the redirect url but it remains as 3D%7Buuid%7D. Everything is working fine when I invoke the payment request from my pc web browser. After confirming the payment with the app, the redirectUrl is invoked and the uuid is correctly passed in it. How can I have the same behaviour in my mobile web browser? Thanks, Giulio

callback_url of g_business/v1/payments not invoked

after successfully create a payment request through g_business/v1/payments service, the following callback_url is not invoked: http\://localhost:7071/api/callback_url?payment_id={uuid} while redirect url is correctly invoked. Thanks, Giulio