Logo & brand guidelines are outdated
I've found the logo & brand guidelines at your page <https://developers.satispay.com/reference/logo> but these are way too old, they're still using the old font. Can we have an updated version?
Posted by Christian Cristofori 3 days ago
Authentication Failing
I am working to set up a pipeline to ingest Payment and Payment Fee reports for a client so firstly setting up to request reports.
As part of this I'm testing authentication with credentials provided.
I get Unauthorized with an example wlt: ZLmanRpD
Is there any chance to get more info on this?
Using: "<https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/wally-services/protocol/tests/signature">
Posted by Max Macdonald 10 days ago
Report Creation Request callback_url
Setting up a flow to request creation of reports, 'PAYMENT' and 'PAYMENT FEE' types in one AWS lambda
Then in another, exposed via APIGateway, to receive the call that the report is ready and then download the report.
What is the structure of the HTTP GET call made on the callback_url to be able to identify what report to then go download?
Asking as the callback_url has to be given in the request call before knowing the report ID
Posted by Max Macdonald 10 days ago
Unable to test authentication
I followed all the steps and code snippets for getting the key ID and composing the authentication header, but when I try to test it (last step "Test the Authentication" I get code 34 "Unauthorized" as response. What does it mean?
I use Python, this is the code I'm using to test (tokens and key IDs are only from staging): <https://pastebin.com/zrUBYiBz>
Posted by Emanuele 18 days ago
Satispay (Staging) not available
I can’t access anymore to the staging app. I tried reinstalling it but nothing has changed. How can I fix this issue?
Posted by Giulio 21 days ago
DNS problem on staging.satispay.com
Ciao a tutti.
Provando ad effettuare un pagamento, usando il QCode che mi viene mostrato a video dal sito del merchant, dal app riscontro questo problema:
Mentre usando il numero cellulare, il pagamento va a buon fine.
E' normale? Problema noto?
Posted by Andrea 23 days ago
App for test payments
Hello, i am integrating satispay into our solution; currently i have a sandbox account, the authentication is ok and i am writing code for the endpoints and testing it, so far no problem.
Now i have to make test payments to verify the flows, should i use the "normal" play store Satispay app or is there a separate test app for testing purpose?
Thank you
Posted by Luigi about 1 month ago
Prestashop addon - Marketplace vs Github
In the documentation page for Prestashop, there is [this marketplace addon](https://addons.prestashop.com/en/payment/22827-satispay.html) linked. However, I found [this github project](https://github.com/satispay/prestashop-plugin) that seems to refer to the same plugin, even the same version. What are the differences (if any) between the two?
Posted by Andrea Dragotta 3 months ago
Digest doesn't match error
i'm trying use satispay staging API, i followed the guides and i create this CURL
curl --location '<https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/g_business/v1/payments'>
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--header 'host: staging.authservices.satispay.com'
--header 'date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:53:39 GMT'
--header 'digest: SHA-256=jWjmI6cdwHPUs3tNU1lXxaKxar4Kee+elPnr1dj2Pqg='
--header 'Authorization: Signature keyId="p3gko1cpv4ffl747u8er772jn4uk1qktr8o5k485fd09gff6ngoacp5eql6cd1fbfdn0kvkbli5maso7io5up8pevb3a12qhm4bn38mjgku254tglkt516rfn4kfj8rluc7l3f1ig2pj11u5kpc0mc1k2qp61llvg7q78ljn2q58k8e5m3ot96e3ftd9mllgghpljds8", algorithm="rsa-sha256", headers="(request-target) host date digest", signature="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"'
--data '{
"flow": "MATCH_CODE",
"amount_unit": 100,
"currency": "EUR"
but i have this error:
"code": 52,
"message": "Digest doesn't match",
"wlt": "CEPCNseA"
I checked the digest (<https://satispay-signature-test.glitch.me/digest>) and message (<https://satispay-signature-test.glitch.me/signature>) and all is correct.
What's wrong?
Posted by Andrea 3 months ago
Integrare satispay in webapp scritta in vue.js
come da oggetto volevo sapere gentilmente come integrare satispay in un app scritta in vue.js.
Sperando in una risposta celere, grazie e buona giornata
Posted by Aniello 3 months ago