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Vending machine without callback

I want to made a payment from a touch Vending Machine, without use the callback url.

So I create a payment: https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/g_business/v1/payments

with a payment ID "312a7b74-cdf4-1225-7289-0e3efead9054"

And get a valid answer (is PENDIG right?)

Then I put on the screen the QrCode with payment ID "312a7b74-cdf4-1225-7289-0e3efead9054"

And call "Get payment details" API to poll the state of payment.

curl --request GET --url https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/g_business/v1/payments/312a7b74-cdf4-1225-7289-0e3efead9054 [...]

Have no answer at all.

It's the correct flow? Why have no answer at all?
Thank you

That's the full call:

curl --request GET --url https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/g_business/v1/payments/312a7b74-cdf4-1225-7289-0e3efead9054 --header 'authorization: Signature keyId="{mykeyid}", algorithm="rsa-sha256", headers="(request-target) host date digest", signature="{thesignature}"' --header 'content-type: application/json' --header 'date: Tue, 06 Oct 2020 19:05:50 +0200' --header 'digest: SHA-256=jva9dnovlcXWu+LxeDjIaXWJrsVyfDbJRs755qTwgAw=' --header 'host: staging.authservices.satispay.com' --data '{"flow": "MATCH_CODE", "amount_unit": 100, "currency": "EUR", "metadata": {"payment_id": "312a7b74-cdf4-1225-7289-0e3efead9054", "user": "b8ed8ba9-3fc9-420d-b996-0cefa72515f4", "key": "value"}}'