Issue on sandbox Authentication
I am trying to test the Authentication call after I have followed all the steps for creating all the needed headers. However I keep getting public role.
Web Button paymentID
I have a question about initialization of web button.
Pre-authorized Payment create - error Invalid Amount
In PRE_AUTHORIZED flow, in the next payment create i riceive error "Invalid Amount", but the amount set is correct and it's the same of pre-authorized token create.
Create Payment Error 45 Forbidden
Hi, I'm trying to launch the api create payment with the sandbox account.
Forbidden KeyID
Satispay Payment Method installation
following module instruction (readme.md) i installed correctly the plugin.
Now checkout cart get baack a white page and no way to see it also after rclean cache flush cache folder permissions and reindex commands.
403 and 500 errors when on Update 'ACCEPT'
Forbidden authentication in Sandbox environment
Hi, I'm trying to autenticate in a sandbox environment retireving keyId. I'm making the request in PHP with:
Where is the order after the payment on prestashop 1.7?
I don't see the new order after payment in the Order section when the payment is complete.
Best regards
Test Authentication - Resource not found
Hello, I've correctly generated the keyid but I'm not able to process any payment request. The auth test call ends with error 41 - Resource not found. WLT=JNtQPYun.
What I'm doing wrong? In thre staging envronment everything worked fine. Thanks.