KeyId - Invalid RSA Key
Generate keys pair as described in the guide
code 46 unsupported media type
potreste darmi una indicazione sul significato del codice di errore:
Key ID
Hi, I generated key Id but i not saved...maybe my avctivation code (sandbox) is expired now?
How can i retrive a new one?
woocomerce plugin satispay Failed connect to authservices.satispay.com:443
Hi for access we use a proxy configured in wp-config.php but the satispay plugin does not seem to use these settings and cannot connect
Test error conditions in sandbox
I can't find how to test transaction with a negative result on the web-redirect sandbox environment.
Credenziali sandbox business
Vi ho contattato più volte via email per ottenere delle credenziali per un account sandbox business, per fare dei test. Gradirei una risposta
Error forbidden
I received this error:
Signature checker
Hi, the signature checker doesn't work
How to download staging app
How can I download the staging app for testing purposes?
WordPress Give Plugin
Hi, I am a developer using the plugin Give (https://givewp.com/) on the WordPress website of a client. It is used to handle the donations and it's quite the standard in the sector. The client asked me to integrate the payment with Satispay but it's not among the options.