Authentication failing
How to obtain key_id
Hello, i created a business Sandbox account, created an app with associated account, made the rest api with clientId and secret and obtained the access_token.
Authentication Test Failed
I always receive an authentication failed response (role=public).
Here is the full code
Open Satispay from another app
Hi all,
Android SDK
Hi, I'm having difficulty integrating satispay into my Android app. I am using the SDK you provided. I can't understand what to replace "TEST_API" in this line:
Error forbidden
I received this error:
iOS - Mobile app - payment
Hi there.
Woocommerce plugin status
Hi there, please, can you tell me why after a payment, into the Woocommerce orders list (and bviously also into the single order page), the status of a Satispay payment remain stuck on "Waiting for payment" ("In attesa di pagamento" is the locale message we get in italian)?
Woocommerce Subscriptions Compatibility
just wanted to ask if your Woocommerce plugin is still not compatible with WC Subscriptions, for recurring payments, and how eventually get it work with it.
Magento 2 - acceptance term and conditions missing in Satispay
The flag acceptance term and conditions missing in Satispay payment method.
When choice satispay does not appearr the checkbox to accept the term and condition. When select other payment methods, the checkbox appear as should be.