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compatibilità con NEXI SMARTPOS CASSA

Buongiorno, sto per aprire un'attività commerciale e pensavo di utilizzare un prodotto Nexi (smartpos cassa) per gestire i pagamenti POS e la cassa, tuttavia non mi pare che Nexi mi dia la possibilità di registrare pagamenti tramite Satispay (opportunità che invece vorrei dare ai miei clienti). E' possibile ovviare in qualche modo a tale difficoltà? Resto in attesa di vostro cortese riscontro. Cordiali saluti. Erika Sala

Error forbidden

I received this error: { "code": 45, "message": "Forbidden", "wlt": "nHAGj0PP" } I use Activation codes for Authentication and public key type sha256.

Error: Missing payment details

Hello, we are integrating the Web-button - pre-authorization FLOW (https://developers.satispay.com/docs/web-button-auth) When creating the button, while display the qrcode, after confirm the authorization on mobile app, the web button remains in state "La richiesta è stata accettata Attendi qualche secondo..." and in browser console I see this error: Error: Missing payment details web-button.ts:151:23 ioInitializeStandardWebButton web-button.ts:151 fromOption pipeable.js:162 pipe pipeable.js:13 ts web-button.ts:149 Webpack 3 __webpack_require__ As we are integrating the preauthorization flow, what payment details does expect the web button widget?

Credenziali sandbox business

Vi ho contattato più volte via email per ottenere delle credenziali per un account sandbox business, per fare dei test. Gradirei una risposta

Authentication Test Failed

Hello, I always receive an authentication failed response (role=public). Here is the full code $keyId = 'qr00fekd2ld3kaqjrli7c01jmdmnq57tngni3qldaq1qtipk2da2ddi15d4huci6n21t2cohb8gcb5ei007cea1b4g4rktmn9iq42v2r463i831kj7qlici5oo1gc886ph0e8757bcf15b6gpll266a4a7fic769gd7dfsnj2gdnp3qgj86um742be7ctmmajj9d4gb9'; $post = [ 'flow' => 'MATCH_CODE', 'amount_unit' => '100', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'callback_url' => 'https://myServer.com/myCallbackUrl?payment_id={uuid}', 'metadata' => array("order_id" => "my_order_id", "user" => "10", "payment_id" => "PPP12345" ), ]; $reqDate = 'Tue, 28 Apr 20 10:18:42 +0000';// gmdate(DATE_RFC822); $digest = base64_encode(hash("sha256", json_encode($post), true)); //GENERATED DIGEST IS mI0YGicSLEGMd5/XQcexSVOLL7pbM4XXmXoX0spADsI= $string = "(request-target): post /wally-services/protocol/tests/signature\n host: staging.authservices.satispay.com\n date: $reqDate\n digest: SHA-256=$digest"; $pkey = openssl_pkey_get_private(file_get_contents($path.'/private.pem')); openssl_sign($string, $signatureRaw, $pkey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256); $signature = base64_encode($signatureRaw); // GENERATED SIGNATURE IS 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 $authorizationHeader = "Signature keyId=\"$keyId\", algorithm=\"rsa-sha256\", headers=\"(request-target) host date digest\", signature=\"$signature\""; openssl_free_key($pkey); // Test the Authentication $url = 'https://staging.authservices.satispay.com/wally-services/protocol/tests/signature'; $ch = curl_init($url); $customHeaders = array( 'host: staging.authservices.satispay.com', 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json', 'date: ' . $reqDate, 'digest: ' . $digest, 'Authorization: ' . $authorizationHeader, ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $customHeaders); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, Json::encode($post)); $result = curl_exec($ch); Can you please tell me what i'm doing wrong? Regards

Forbidden, create payment error 403

Hello, we are trying to execute a payment creation with PHP MATCH_CODE api call but we receive ERROR 403 with following payload: data: { code: 45, message: 'Forbidden', wlt: 'S8joVKnO' } }, The php code that we have used is: \SatispayGBusiness\Api::setSandbox(true); \SatispayGBusiness\Api::setPublicKey($publicKey); \SatispayGBusiness\Api::setPrivateKey($privateKey); \SatispayGBusiness\Api::setKeyId($keyId); $payment = \SatispayGBusiness\Payment::create([ "flow" => "MATCH_CODE", "amount_unit" => $importo, "currency" => "EUR", "external_code" => "my_order_id", "callback_url" => "/satispaypayment/test?prova=OK", "metadata" => [ "order_id" => "1", "user" => "00004", "payment_id" => "1", "session_id" => "my_session", "key" => "value" ] ]); Could you please help us understand what are we doing wrong? Many thanks for kind attention and prompt answer

Accepting payments from staging app

Hi there, how can I simulate accepting payments from the staging app? Scenario: - Users makes a one-off payment using MATCH_CODE (scanning QR via customer app) presented via Web Button. - Vendor reviews payment and accepts - Satispay API should call the callback_url uri address Are staging payments automatically accepted and Url called every time? Is there a way I can simulate the real flow without going into production account? Thanks Stefano

Payment Id in Web-Redirect Flow new API

Hello. In our e-commerce we are using the Web-Redirect payment flow, implemented using the old API. So we are using the "/online/v1/checkouts" call, redirecting the user to "https://staging.online.satispay.com/web-app?checkout_id={checkout_id}", who then will be redirected back to our site through the redirect_url we provide after he accepts / cancels the payment. In the old API the redirect_url would include the charge_id as a query string param, so that we can check the payment status and show an appropriate message to the user. We are now trying to move to the new API, but with the new "v1/payments" API it seems that the payment_id would not be included as a paremeter of the redirect_url(there is no mention of it in the documentation, the same holds true with the Pre-Authorization Web-Redirect which uses a similiar flow). So am i wrong or the payment_id won't be actually added to the redirect_url as happened with the old API? Thank you Stefano

WordPress Give Plugin

Hi, I am a developer using the plugin Give (https://givewp.com/) on the WordPress website of a client. It is used to handle the donations and it's quite the standard in the sector. The client asked me to integrate the payment with Satispay but it's not among the options. This plugin allows custom additional gateways but I am not sure how to setup Satispay. This is the link to the official documentation about this feature: https://givewp.com/documentation/developers/how-to-build-a-gateway-add-on-for-givewp/ Do you have any recommendations?

WooCommerce Satispay plugin and recurring payment in WooCommerce Subscriptions

Buongiorno, ho letto nel Support del plugin Woocommerce Satispay che stavate lavorando per l'attivazione dei pagamenti ricorsivi legati a Woocommerce Subscriptions. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/recurring-payment-support-4/ Volevo sapere se ci sono aggiornamenti in merito e se c'è una data prevista per il rilascio dell'aggiornamento. grazie in anticipo