The following guide explains how to accept payments using Satispay Fringe Benefits.

In this page, you can find the specific request parameters that you can use for Fringe Benefits payments.
To read the generic API specification please refer to this page.

Payment update

While accepting a payment, if your shop has Fringe Benefits enabled, Fringe Benefits will be used based on the user's Fringe Benefits availability.
These Fringe Benefits will be applied if the user sets the Fringe Benefits wallet as their primary wallet.

It is not possible to have a combination of Fringe Benefits and Meal Vouchers in the same payment, since these two payment methods are mutually exclusive; however, it is possible to include Satispay Fringe Benefits and e-money in the same payment.

Partial payments

When integrating Satispay Fringe Benefits in cash registers / tills is required to implement what we call partial payment.
This will allow to accept payments from consumers that have Fringe Benefits only in their Satispay app.


Check-in integration

When you're integrating the check-in flow, be sure to always show all the available PENDING payments.

You can use this API to perform an update action on a specific payment.

The actions that you can perform are:


You can use this action to accept payments sent via check-in in PENDING status.


You can use this action to cancel payments sent via check-in in PENDING status.


We strongly suggest you to use this action only if you are not able to retrieve the actual payment status.
This could be due to either temporary unavailability of Satispay or network issues.

By executing the CANCEL_OR_REFUND action, we prevent situations where a user confirms a payment, the payment is accepted, but the product is not issued to the user.

What this action will do is:

  • refund the payment if it is in an ACCEPTED status.
  • cancel the payment if it is in a PENDING status.

The response will also change accordingly, please check our response examples.



If the API returns an error, such as a 500, it does not necessarily mean that the payment has not already been accepted.

If you encounter this error, we suggest retrying the request within a few seconds.
If you still do not receive a response, execute an Update Payment using the CANCEL_OR_REFUND action.


CANCEL vs REFUND payments

A payment can only transition to CANCELED status if it has not yet reached the ACCEPTED status.
Once a payment reaches ACCEPTED, it can no longer be canceled.

If an ACCEPTED payment needs to be refunded you need to create a payment with a REFUND flow.


Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!