Sandbox account
To request the creation of a sandbox account, for both the shop and the user, please fill this form.
Please provide your phone number and the email address that will be associated with your sandbox account.
Additionally, kindly specify the use case you plan to integrate in your system.
Please ensure you provide real information, as you will need to use them later to access our sandbox app.
Once ready we will get back to you with:
- the links needed to download our Satispay staging app and everything required for the login.
- the activation code for API authentication in the staging environment.
Once you receive your account details via email and log in to the sandbox app, there's no need to enter any additional information.
Production account
You can find the steps to create your production account below:
Sign-up for Satispay Business account:
To get started, visit the Dashboard and sign up to create your Satispay Business account.
After the Satispay Team successfully verifies your business profile, you will receive a notification, allowing you to proceed with the activation of your shops. -
Login and shop creation:
Once your account is activated, log in to the Dashboard and create a shop associated with your business.
Satispay supports brick and mortar shops, online shops, vending machines and on-the move businesses.
To determine the ideal shop type that aligns with your specific activity, be sure to consult our helpful guide. -
Generate the activation code:
Within your newly created shop in the Dashboard, generate an activation code.
This code will play a crucial role in the authentication process. -
Use the activation code for authentication:
To initiate the authentication process, use the activation code as your token.
If you're using the APIs, you can find detailed instructions in our authentication guide.
If you're using an official plugin, we recommend you to consult the dedicated plugin documentation for more details. -
Start accepting Satispay payments on production:
Once you've set up your Satispay Business account, configured your shop, and successfully linked your system to the production environment, you're all set to start accepting real payments.
Updated 5 months ago